5D Configuration – Workflows
The following guide will show you how to navigate and use the 5D Configuration Section.
To access the “Workflows” page click on the “Configuration” tab on the left of the screen and then click on “Workflows”
The “Workflows” page will then open and will look like the image below.

The “Visit Workflows” table shows a list of the workflows that are currently active on your system.
Listed is the name of each workflow.

You can search for a workflow by using the “Workflows Filters” section on the left side of the screen.
You can filter by the “Name” of the workflow, and by the “Status”.
To reset the filter click the “Clear Filters” button.

Changing a Workflow
To edit the workflow click the grey pencil on the right side of the screen.
If you would like to preview the workflow, click the grey looking glass.
You can also delete the workflow by clicking on the grey bin, you will be prompted to confirm your choice if this is clicked.
Please note that deleted workflows cannot be reinstated so any change will be permanent.

Once you have clicked on the grey pencil you will be taken to the following screen.

In the “Workflow Information” section there are the following options:
- Name – You can set the name of your workflow here.
- Workflow Stages – This shows the name and type of stage that is in this workflow.
- Arrows – Here you can change the order in which the stages are shown.
- Cross – Use this to remove the stage from your workflow.

In the “Workflow Stages” section there are the following options:
- Name Search – This is a search box which you can use to search for your required stage.
- Dropdown – You can filter by the type of stage, this can be “Accept”, “Proceed” and “Question”.
- Name – This shows the name of the stage.
- Type – This shows the type of stage.
- Plus – Click this button to add the stage to your workflow.

To cancel any changes, click the red “Cancel” button.
You can also delete the workflow by clicking on the red “Delete” button, you will be prompted to confirm your choice if this is clicked.
Please note that deleted workflows cannot be reinstated so any change will be permanent.
To confirm your changes, click the green “Update” button.

Once you have completed your changes you will be taken back to the “Workflows” page, you can check your workflow by clicking the grey looking glass.

Adding a new Workflow
To add a new workflow click the green “Add” button in the top-right of the screen.
To create your workflow follow the steps in the “Changing a Workflow” section.